Java Coding Standards
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Java Coding Standards


Java Coding Standards

  1. Naming Conventions
    1. Class names
    2. Method names
    3. Variable names
    4. Constant variable names
    5. Package names
  2. Code Appearance
  3. Javadoc comments
  4. Comments ( inline documentation )
  5. Always comment bug fixes
  6. A method should perform one and only one concrete function
  7. Predicate methods
  8. Always initilize variables
  9. Accessor and mutator methods
  10. Referencing instance variables using the this keyword
  11. Inner classes
  12. Place variables on the right side of relational operators
  13. Static Methods
  14. Primitive types vs. objects
  15. Alternatives to Hard-Coding Values

Java Coding Standards
  1. Naming Conventions

    In general, all package, class, method and variable names should be as descriptive as possible. Descriptive code is often referred to as self documenting. The name of a thing should always give one some idea as to the purpose or function of that thing. One need not worry about the length of a name (within reason). After the compilation process, all variable names are converted to a symbol table reference or offset or some such thing. Hence the often used argument that short variable names make for faster code really only demonstrates a shocking lack of knowledge of the fundamental principles of computing!!

    For example a variable that holds the user ID number for a project administrator might be declared as int projectAdminUserID = 0. This name is very descriptive; there is little doubt as to the intended use of this variable. Conversely, one may declare the same variable as int pauid=0. As most individuals will not be able to read the original author's mind, this variable name will give few clues as to it's intended use or the possible values it may hold. Most of the cost of a given bit of software is incurred in the maintenance/modification phase. Hence poorly named entities only serve to escalate this cost and in many cases serve as a vector for the introduction of new bugs!

    1. Class names [Top]

      Classes should be named in Mixed Case, with the initial letter of each word being in Upper Case. Class names should not contain any underscore characters. The name of the class should be descriptive, but not too long. Abbreviating within class names is discouraged except when it shortens an already long name.

      For example, a few examples of good class names would be:

      public class SessionFactory { ... }
      public class DocStorageDirectoryException extends Exception { ... }
      An few examples of poorly named classes would be:
      public class doc_str_dir_class { ... }
      public class BIGCLASSTHATDOESLOTS { ... }

    2. Method names [Top]

      Method names should also be of mixed case. The name of a method should be descriptive, contain multiple words (if necessary) and should not contain abbreviations. The first word in the method name should be entirely lower case while subsequent words should have the first letter capitalized.

      For example, a few good method names would be:

      public getChildDirectories() { ... }
      public addDocumentFromFile( File theFile ) { ... }

    3. Variable names [Top]

      Variable naming must follow the same convention as that proscribed for methods. Method parameters must follow this naming convention as well because they are really just locally scoped variables at the end of the day!!

      An example of some good variable names would be:

      private int myObjectTypeID = -1;
      private Vector myChildDirectoryVector = null;

      An example of some poor variable names would be:

      int wphc;
      boolean ifsoe;
      BigDecimal iifsoe;
      The above variable names are not very descriptive. I have noted that the widespread use of such variable names makes debugging and/or future modifications a hellish endeavor!! Consider the last two variables above; they are so similar syntactically as to make any code difficult to follow. Poorly named variables such as this must be avoided at all costs!! In my humble opinion there is simply no good reason to use variable names of this non-descriptive and obfuscated form.

    4. Constant variable names [Top]

      Constants should be entirely in uppercase with underscores between each word. It is also worth noting that constants should be declared final as their values should not change. If the constants are intended to be used outside of their containing class, they should be declared as static.

      An example of some good constant variable declarations would be as follows:

      private final int STATE_QUIT = 0;
      public static final int MAX_USERS = 250;

    5. Package names [Top]

      Package names must be in entirely lower case. If a package name is made up of multiple words, run them together without changing case. It is preferred that package names consist of single words such as webinfo.webdocs.servlet rather than webinfotools.webdocsservlets.

      It is important to remember that package names have a direct mapping to a file-system directory structure. Hence, if the OS one uses has limitations in directory naming schemes, one should adhere to such limitation when naming packages as well.

  2. Code Appearance

    There is really no easy way to regulate code appearance since no two developers have the same coding style or preferences. However, there are some fairly straightforward rules that one should adhere to.

    • Use indentation in your code. This is usually done automatically if you are using an editor such as emacs or xemacs operating in C++ or Java mode. The recommended style is old-K&R or KNF, which is:

      if ( foo ) {
      } //end if
    • Don't place multiple statements on one line. One statement per line is the maximum!! Lines that have to be wrapped on an 80 column xterm are hard to read and even harder to print

      What not to do:

      if ( lifeIsShort ) { playHard(now); return; } );

      The following is the preferred format:

      if ( lifeIsShort ) {
    • Avoid overly lengthy code. Declaring many temporary variables for substitutions is usually unnecessary and does not add to the readability of your code. On the same token, trying to accomplish too much in one line can be confusing to others that read your code. Use your best judgment.

    • Grouping similar constructs in a class will greatly aid the readability and maintainability of one's code. It is recommended that class/instance variable declarations, constructors, public methods, protected methods and private methods be grouped in sections. It is also a good idea to place a visual separator of some sort between these blocks of similar methods.

      As an example of this practice, please have a look at this sample class file.

    • Inserting white space between distinct sections of one's code is a good idea. The whitespace helps to provide a physical separation between logical entities and improves the overall readability of the code. For example, a few blank lines between methods helps a reader to quickly determine where one method ends and another one begins.

      However, do not go overboard with this!! Too much white space can be distracting as well. Placing 15 blank lines between methods is unnecessary; one or two blank lines would suffice.

    • It is a good practice to comment the end of blocks of code. It is very easy to misplace a brace or to place code within the wrong enclosing block. Commenting the end of a block helps greatly to improve the readability of the code.

      Consider the following example:

      if ( foo ) {
        while ( this.myList.hasMoreThings() ) {
          if ( somethingElseHappened ) {
          } //end if ( somethingElseHappened )
        } //end while ( this.myList.hasMoreThings() )
      } //end if ( foo )
  3. Javadoc comments

    Thou shalt use Javadoc comments - end of story.

    Sun's reference for Javadoc comments may be found here. Learn it - live it - love it.

  4. Comments ( in-line documentation )

    There is always a good chance that another developer will have to read your code in either the distant or not so distant future. In-line documentation should be included as much as possible to explain in plain English what the code is doing. As maintenance duties are most often relegated to junior programmers (who have little experience) anything that can make the code easier to understand will be a net benefit.

    The level of in-line documentation included is up to a developer's personal discretion. If the variable and class names are very descriptive, sometimes additional comments are superfluous. At a minimum, one should include Javadoc style comments at the top of each method and class.

  5. Always comment bug fixes

    Every bug fix should be documented either at the head of the main body or in-line. For example:

    // 04-Apr-2002 SR 43820383 darrenh
    // Fix bug where X happened instead of Y
    // This was caused by the following input: ...

    No coder in the world has enough time to read all the ClearCase history and try to reverse engineer why that line is there from the 400 merges it's gone through. The consequences of corrective actions should be stated right in the code.

  6. A method should perform one and only one concrete function

    A method should perform one and only one concrete task. This heuristic is a best practice not only for Java developers but is a good rule of thumb for all programming languages.

    Methods that perform more than one concrete task almost always increase the difficulty in debugging or modifying code. Methods that perform more than one task always raise the complexity and hence decrease maintainability of source code.

    Some may argue that observing this best practice results in a larger than necessary code base. This is true. However as most of the cost of any software is incurred in the maintenance/modification phase of its life cycle it would make sense to adopt coding practices that lessen this cost. Single purpose methods make for easier debugging and easier modification by junior programmers (who are most often saddled with maintaining and/or modifying legacy code).

  7. Predicate methods

    Predicate methods (those that return a boolean) should be named in the form of a question; words such as is or has should be used as the first word in the method name. Predicate method names should have the general form isSomethingTrue() or hasSomethingHappened(). Adoption of this practice makes code much easier to read.

    Consider the following example:

    if ( myOrder.isOrderComplete() ) {
    } else {

    It is quite clear that the predicate method isOrderComplete() will return true when the order is in fact complete and false otherwise.

    Conversely, consider the following code snippet:

    if ( myOrder.completeOrder() ) {
    } else {

    Here it is not clear what the method is doing. Is it completing the order and returning true if all is well? Is it merely determining if the order has been completed? The method name doesn't really describe it's intended function.

  8. Always initialize variables

    When declaring a variable, it is a good idea to always provide an initial value for that variable. Different JVM's treat uninitialized variables in different ways. As it is a good practice to check the value of a variable (particularly with user supplied data) it is very helpful to have a known default value for that variable.

    A few examples of variable declarations with initial values would be as follows:

    private boolean orderIsFinished = false;
    private int quantitySelected = -1;
    private Vector purchasedProducts = null;
    private Vector backorderedProducts = new Vector();
  9. Accessor and mutator methods

    Accessor and mutator methods should be provided for all publicly scoped values instead of explicitly declaring them as public. In general, class and instance variables should never be declared public. An accessor method is one that returns a value while a mutator method is one that sets a value. These methods should be named getVariableName() and setVariableName().

    An example of accessor and mutator methods would be as follows:

    public class foo {
      private int numberItemsSold = 0;


       * Return the number of items sold.
      public int getNumberItemsSold () {
        return ( this.numberItemsSold );
      } //end getNumberItemsSold

       * Set the number of items currently sold.
      public void setNumberItemsSold ( int theValue ) {
        if ( theValue > 0 ) {
          this.numberItemsSold = theValue;
        } //end if
      } //end setNumberItemsSold


    } //end class foo
  10. Referencing instance variables using the this keyword

    The convention of using this.myVar to refer to an instance variable is strongly encouraged. I have found this practice greatly increases the readability of the code and makes further modifications or debugging a lot less painful. The this keyword may only be used with instance variables; it won't work with class variables because it is a non-static reference.

    Some developers however do not agree with the use of the this keyword (it's almost a religious war on par with sh versus csh). However, the appearance of the keyword easily allows one to note instance variables versus local method variables - thus making the code much easier to read, maintain and debug.

    public class foo {
      private int myCounter = 0;


      public void doSomething () {
        //these two statements do the same thing
      } //end doSomething

      public void doSomethingElse () {
        int myCounter=42;
        //these two statements do NOT do the same thing
      } //end doSomething


    } //end class foo
  11. Inner classes

    The use of inner classes should be avoided unless absolutely necessary. The use of inner classes often makes the task of the junior maintenance programmer much more arduous. The one exception where inner classes make sense is in the implementation of action handler classes (in GUI code).

  12. Place variables on the right side of relational operators

    One should place variables on the right side of relational operators. The use of this style guideline will not only help to make the code easier to read (because in North America we tend to scan text left to right) but it also serves to aid one in detecting when = and == have been confused. If the wrong operator is used, the compiler will flag the error if the variable is on the right as the expression 0 = myVar represents a semantic error.

    However, if the variable is placed on the left side of the expression, the expression myVar = 0 will compile and execute successfully. This assignment operation will return true if successful thus trapping one in the = versus == death spiral. Confusion of the = and == operator is an all too common error of which both junior and senior developers are potential victims.

    if ( 0 == myVar ) //good
    if ( myVar == 0 ) //bad
  13. Static Methods

    Under certain circumstances, you may wish to define a method that does something, but does not really perform a function upon any specific object. For example, you wish to write a method that trims leading and trailing whitespace from a string. In such a situation, you should define the method as static. Do not write a constructor for a class which will contain a group of methods that should be static as there is no need.

  14. Primitive types vs. objects

    It is strongly recommended that one use primitive types (eg. int, float or boolean) instead of object types (eg. BigDecimal or Integer). One should only use object types when absolutely necessary. For example, Map or Hashtable keys require an object type.

    When returning more than one thing from a method, they should be returned using a Java collection class(Vector for example). If no items are to be returned, one should return an empty collection object (an empty Vector for example). In general, one should not ever return a null value from a method that is expected to return a collection.

  15. Alternatives to Hard-Coding Values

    One should not ever even consider hard coding configuration values. Hard coding is a practice that is frowned upon in all disciplines of computing. Hard coded values can spawn very difficult debugging if one's code is run in an different environment or on another host. Hard coding is just plain bad so don't do it!!

    As an alternative to hard coding, one is encouraged to retrieve configuration values from a data file. Access to these configuration values may be facilitated by a class using the GoF singleton pattern.

Copyright © Dan Hay
Last update: Tuesday, 27-Sep-2005 15:27:47 UTC